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IVF is a numbers game

IVF is largely a numbers game

And plenty of clinics are taking advantage of that

This is the title of an article that was released this past summer by Economist.

Let's step back in time for a moment. IVF was initially developed as a solution for blocked Fallopian tubes, a barrier that prevented Ms. Brown's mother from conceiving—the birth of the world's first IVF baby.

However, as more couples are choosing to start their families later in life, a woman's declining fertility has become an increasingly common challenge.

In today's context, IVF is like giving you more chances, more rolls of the dice, by collecting additional eggs and optimizing the likelihood of successful fertilization. This approach may work for a fortunate few, but for many aspiring parents, it can lead to a series of heartaches and disappointments.

Essentially, IVF is a numbers game.

Globally, statistics tell us that six to seven out of every ten IVF cycles do not result in pregnancies that go to term.

Consequently, many women find themselves trying more than once, hoping for a different outcome.

However, it's crucial to understand that trying again does not magically increase the odds.

In fact, with each new IVF attempt, the chances of success tend to decrease.

So, how do women and couples achieve IVF success in the face of such great odds?


Studies show that it is hope that gets them to the next appointment, the next throw of the dice.

But not JUST hope. You also need COINS!

A New York Times article stated that about two thirds of of women undergoing IVF will have a child by the sixth attempt.

With each attempt costing on average $12,400 that's a total of $74,400, with no guarantee.

I once met a woman who spent over six figures on IVF with no success.

The reason I bring this up is because many of us allow ourselves to be shuffled down the IVF route without being fully informed of the costly gambling game ahead.

But women aren't just gambling money, they are also gambling their time, energy and emotions.

So even if you have the coins to pay for it, you must also have the energy to spend, a few years to wait and emotions to bear. And most women are running low all three by the time they set foot in an IVF clinic.

So here's a pro-tip on how not to be taking advantage of:

Invest in your health. Because in this game, health is the real currency.

Most healthy couples seeking to get pregnant will be successful within four months. Those who are not healthy will try for months more, or years, before concluding they need help and get shuffled into the dreaded waiting room of an IVF clinic.

But what is health?

That is what I'll be exploring in the next newsletter.

In the meantime, don't fall for the gamble.

To not gambling your coins away,

Dr. K. Duga

PS Let's look out for one another. Share this article with a girlfriend who needs it.

PPS If you're ready to invest in your health to fast track your path to motherhood, I'm here to provide the personalized care, emotional support, and resources unique to your fertility needs.

Take action and schedule your complimentary consultation here to understand the steps you can take to achieve success on your journey.

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